Tod Kartin (Ork Phansa)
Tod Kratin - lasts for 30 days,from Ork Phansa through to the full month of the twelfth month of the Buddhist lunar year. During this time most Buddhists take part in ceremonies,either directly or indirectly. Robes & other necessities of temple life are offered ceremoniously to the monks on an appointed day. Each temple may hold a Tod Kartin ceremony once each year. Originally,in the time of the Lord Buddha,this ceremony was meant to teach monks humility & show them how to cut,sew, & dye the robes for themselves. The finished robes were then offered to the members of the company deemed most suitable. Today,however,the ritual has evolved dramatically into a grand celebration where hundreds & thousands of people join in the merit making. It is also an important occasion for the temple to raise funds. The sequence of events for each of the above three religious days goes something like this: Early in the morning,people begin to arrive at the temple wearing their best clothes. They carry food prepared at home,usually in highly decorative gold or silver bowls,& offer it to the monks. After this breakfast,the people are blessed by the monks & many return to their homes. The more devoted may choose to remain at the temple &,later in the morning,take a vow with the monks to keep either five or eight precepts throughout the entire day. After taking this vow,they split their time between praying,listening to the monks' preachings & doing meditation. In the evening,the monks lead a candlelit procession,making three complete circuits of the main temple building. This event signifies the end of the celebrations.